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[08/05/2019] zeitkratzer in MEXICO

playing Lou Reed's legendary METAL MACHINE MUSIC.


The NEW YORK TIMES wrote: "Played by a live group, "Metal Machine Music" sounds even wilder and more frenetic, and Zeitkratzer's act of fandom - countless work-hours involved in transcribing and orchestrating - moves "Metal Machine Music" into a context where, perhaps, it always belonged: as an avant-garde piece of bristling minimalism rather than a rock musician's bizarre experiment."


  • Frank Gratkowski (Clarinets / Berlin)
  • Hayden Chisholm (Saxophone / Belgrade)
  • Hilary Jefferey (Trombone / Berlin))
  • Hild Sofie Tafjord (French Horn / Oslo)
  • Reinhold Friedl (Piano / Vienna)
  • Maurice De Martin (Percussion / Berlin)
  • Lisa Marie Landgraf (Violin / Palermo)
  • Elisabeth Coudoux (Violoncello / Cologne)
  • Ulrich Phillipp (Double Bass / Wiesbaden)
  • Klaus Dobbrick (Sound / Berlin)

…this live version is a wonderfull opportunity to get (re) acquainted with one of the most adventurous pieces ever composed by a major rock musician. As Reed stated on the original album “my week beats your year”. (Vital Weekly)

few records investigate the concept of “noise” more intelligently than this one. (The Sunday Times, UK)

In all honesty, I can say that you've probably never seen or heard anything quite like this. Leave aside your preconceptions of what you think music should be, and take a step into the new and dangerous by listening to Metal Machine Music as performed by the zeitkratzer ensemble and Reed live. You might just be in for a surprise and find you appreciate something new and exciting. (BBC Music UK)

Zeitkratzer’s version has drawn praise from both the high-brow New York Times and hip indie-music websites like Pitchfork. … In other words, it’s a very different way for the musically adventurous to take a walk on the wild side. (Deutsche Welle, Jefferson Chase)

an avant-garde classical ensemble named Zeitkratzer decided that they were going to do the impossible by transcribing the chaotic Machine in its entirety. As if that wasn’t enough, they then performed it in front of a live audience in a single take. So impressed with their accomplishment, Lou Reed gave Zeitkratzer two very special things: his blessing ... and a new guitar solo. (PopMatters, UK)

zeitkratzer humanizes Reed’s machines — hilarious (Blender, UK)

That Zeitkratzer  could even conceive of transcribing Reed's original album in the first place almost defies belief. That they could take the score from there to a position where they could play it live is sheer genius. (musikOMH.com, UK)

this performance is exceptional and delivers a most unsettling but ultimately worthwhile experience. Not for the many but for those prepared to work as hard as the performers to understand the music it is truly rewarding. (Music new.com, UK)

Yes, this is the sound of MMM, the legendary first noise album, the litmus test by which all musical patience has been measured, performed live as a modern composition. It truly works! So, is this necessary? Do you still need to own it? YES. ABSOLUTELY. I would go so far as to say this should be the neophyte’s introduction to MMM; perhaps from there further tastes in noise and avant-garde music will develop. (Movement Music Reviews, US,)